
Belgian artist Fleur Pierets would wed her wife Julian P. Boom in all 22 countries where two women are allowed to get married. The art performance wanted to shed a light on equal matrimonial rights.
But this ‘love world tour’ was rudely interrupted. After their fourth marriage, in Paris, Julian was diagnosed with aggressive brain tumors. She died six weeks later. Fleur stayed behind and could only do one thing: write.

The book is a fragile tribute to Julian and to their mission to speak up for LGBTQ+ human rights. Fleur talks about their love, their work and the last weeks up to Julian’s death. Her grief is fresh and raw and her feelings of hopelessness are never far away.
Julian is an ode to love, the fragility of life and inevitable loss.

The book is in Dutch but currently translated into English.

Julian will be turned into a movie – directed by Maaike Neuville and co-written by Fleur Pierets and Angelo Tijssens.

Author: Fleur Pierets
Publisher: Das Mag
Language: Dutch
Dimensions: 344 pages
ISBN: 9789492478757