LoveLetters is a new project by writer and human rights advocate Fleur Pierets.

While touring with her books and speaking in different countries, she’s writing LoveLetters to (almost) forgotten women from the country’s history. To the female writers, the painters, the activists, the bohemians, the pioneers,…

Freely distributed in libraries, museums and tourist info points, these letters serve as a platform to showcase a wide range of perspectives through the power of intergenerational dialogue.

The LoveLetters-series is expanding history by bringing underrepresented voices to the forefront and making past, present and future more inclusive through storytelling.

The first 30 LoveLetters will be compiled into a book by 2026.


A letter to Anna Munch (Trondheim, Norway)
Written by invitation of SMØR Press and while being a writer-in-residence at the Lademoen Kunstnerverkstede
The letter is designed by Carlos A. Correia and Joana Bruno of SMØR Press

Thanks to:
Rosendal theater Trondheim for giving me the possibility to perform the letter onstage
Trondheim Library for hosting an Anna Munch-exhibition

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A letter to Grada Wolffensperger (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Written while being a juror for the Limburg Biennale 2024 at House for Contemporary Culture Marres
The letter is designed by Oonah Duchateau

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A letter to Clotilde Graves (Bantry, Ireland)
Written while being invited as a speaker at the West Cork Literary Festival

Thanks to:
Flip Through Flanders
Flanders Literature
Fiona Kearny at The Glucksman in Cork
Tinne De Cort for editing the letter

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A letter to Mathilde Schroyens (Antwerp, Belgium)
Written at the request of Antwerp Queer Arts Festival and performed at De Studio
Designed by Samenschool and edited by Tinne De Cort

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A letter to Alfhild Theresia Agrell (Göteborg, Sweden)
Written while being on book tour for the Swedish translation of Julian and talking at the Göteborg Book Fair

Thanks to:
Flanders Literature
Delegation of Flanders in the Nordic Countries
Göteborg Unesco City of Literature
Tinne De Cort for editing the letter

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